"Marginal and Non-Marginal Persons in the Professions: A Comparative St" by Pranab Chatterjee


A sample of students from the Schools of Law, Medicine, and Social Work of a Midwestern University (N=1,319), which consisted of all students enrolled in these schools for over a given number of years, suggests that there are at least three discernible types of marginality which are related to the status of the given professions. Such marginality may depend on one or more of the following: class origin, academic performance, and sex roles. The students of social work are high in both class- and role- marginality, but are favorably comparable to law students in performance-marginality. The study suggests that prestige of a given profession (as was rank ordered by North and Ratt in 1947) is neither necessarily nor always dependent on performance-marginality, but is related to role-marginality of persons in the professions.

*This paper was presented before The Society for the Study of Social Problems on August 29, 1971 in Denver, Colorado.

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