



  • The Origins of English Aging Policy: A Re-Examination of the Cyclical Theory of Social Relief - JOHN B. WILLIAMSON, KENNETH J. BRANCO
  • Social Reproduction and Helplessness in a Dying - MICHAEL HIBBARD
  • Learned Community Homelessness and De-Institutionalization - JOHN J CONKLIN -
  • The Social and the Emotional in the Etiology of Childhood Lead Poisoning - HARRIS CHAIKLIN, BARBARA S. MOSHER, DAVID M. O'HARA
  • Black and White Social Work Faculty: Perceptions of Respect, Satisfaction and Job Permanence - LARRY E. DAVIS
  • Chicano Social Work: A Critical Analysis - JULIO ANGULO, LOURDES ARGUELLES
  • Pre-Retirement Attitudes and Financial Preparedness: A Cross-Cultural and Gender Analysis - JOHN H. BEHLING, ESTHER S. MERVES
  • Community Organization Approaches to the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency - RONALD J. BERGER, CHERYLYNNE E. BERGER
  • Satisfaction With the Profession and Career Status Among B.S.W. Social Workers - JAMES G. McCULLAGH
  • The Impact of Gender on Productive and Social Activities - KEITH M. KILTY, VIRGINIA RICHARDSON
  • Lay Counseling: A Preliminary Survey of Who, What and How - JAMES R. SEABERG
  • Serving Oppressed Communities: The Self-Help Approach - MOHAN L. KAUL

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