"Introduction to Thematic Special Issue" by John T. Pardeck and John W. Murphy


Currently technology is proliferating at a rate never before imagined. As a result, every facet of society has changed because of technological developments, including the delivery of social services. Although there is much debate over whether or not these changes are good or bad, they cannot be denied (Murphy and Pardeck, forthcoming). In fact, Jacques Ellul ( 1964: 127) has referred to modern society as a technological civilization. What he means by this designation is not only that society is dependent upon technology for its survival, but, more importantly, technological rationality has come to determine how persons view themselves and their environment. Due to the ubiquitous nature of this style of thinking, definitions of reality, sickness, and social competence have assumed a technological hue. Accordingly, those who are involved with the delivery of social services must understand how technology focuses their attention on techniques, thereby possibly obscuring the social nature of a client's problem. And if his type of insight is not fostered, no-one may benefit from the introduction of technology Into social service programs.

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