ScholarWorks > HHS > Social Work > JSSW > Vol. 15 > Iss. 1 (1988)
Volume 15, Issue 1 (1988) March
Complete Issue
Implications of the One-Child Family Policy on the Development of the Welfare State in the People's Republic of China
Fernando Chiu-Hung Cheung
The Social Class and Mental Illness Correlation: Implications of the Research for Policy and Practice
Christopher G. Hudson
A Commentary on The Social Class and Mental Illness Correlation: Implications of the Research for Policy and Practice
Julius A. Roth
An Analysis of the General Well-Being of Blacks and Whites: Results of a National Study
Sonjia Parker Redmond
Exposure of Young Welfare Recipients to Family and Peer Receipt of Welfare and Unemployment Benefits
Viola E. Shuart and John H. Lewko
Welfare Workers as Surplus Population: A Useful Model?
Paula Dressel, Mike Sweat, and Michelle Waters
The Relationship Between Social Work and Labor Unions: A History of Strife and Cooperation
Shulamith Lala Ashenberg Straussner and Norma Kolko Phillips
Technology in Clinical Practice and the "Technological Ethic"
John W. Murphy and John T. Pardeck