ScholarWorks > HHS > Social Work > JSSW > Vol. 17 > Iss. 4 (1990)
Volume 17, Issue 4 (1990) December
Complete Issue
How Voluntary Agency Networks Fared in the 1980s
Margaret Gibelman and Harold W. Demone Jr.
Differential Perception And Adolescent Drinking In The United States: Preliminary Considerations
John B. Harms and James L. Wolk
A Redefinition of the Problem of Homelessness Among Persons with a Chronic Mental Illness
Donald M. Linhorst
Paraprofessional Social Service Personnel in Spain
Edward Allan Brawley
Exchange Rules in the Mediation of Social Welfare Work
Paula L. Dressel, Michelle Waters, Mike Sweat, and Obie Clayton
Burnout and Job Satisfaction: Their Relationship to Perceived Competence and Work Stress Among Undergraduate and Graduate Social Workers
David P. Himle and Srinika Jayaratne
Research Notes
Promoting Voting Behavior Among Low Income Black Voters Using Reminder Letters: An Experimental Investigation
William Kelly Canady and Bruce A. Thyer
Testing the Underclass Concept by Surveying Attitudes and Behavior
Kathleen J. Pottick