ScholarWorks > HHS > Social Work > JSSW > Vol. 2 > Iss. 2 (1974)
Volume 2, Issue 2 (1974) Winter
Complete Issue
Toward a Radical Reassessment of Social Work Values
Shimon S. Gottschalk
Ethics Shock: Technology, Life Styles and Future Practice
Sonia Leib Abels, Paul Abels, and Samuel A. Richmond
The Social Psychology of Small Groups: Relevancy of Social Work Practice with Groups
Martha E. Gentry
The Myth of a Population Explosion in America: Implications for the Social Welfare Profession
Lillian T. Cochran and James M. O'Kane
The Nonprofessional and the Professional Culture: A Dilemma for Social Work
Edward Allan Brawley
Transforming the Orientation of a Health Organization through Community Involvement
Sharon Pastor Simson and Laura J. Bleiweiss
Change and Program Evaluation in Social Organization
Alan M. Cohen
The Three Evaluations of Social Welfare Programs
Dean Harper and Haroutun M. Babigian
Anti-Poverty Policies and Evaluation: A Critique of the Pluralist Conception of Politics and Evaluation
Robert D. Herman
Conflict and Compromise in Evaluation Research: A Case Study
Joe Hudson and Peter Chommie