ScholarWorks > HHS > Social Work > JSSW > Vol. 23 > Iss. 3 (1996)
Volume 23, Issue 3 (1996) September
Complete Issue
Incarnating Heaven: Making the Hospice Philosophy Mean Business
Mark A. Mesler and Pamela J. Miller
Reconceptualizing Women's Work: A Focus on the Domestic and Eligibility Work of Women on Welfare
Alice Abel Kemp, Pam Jenkins, and Molly Biehl
Real Welfare Reform Requires Jobs: Lessons from a Progressive Welfare Agency
Robert J. Sheak and Warren Haydon
Welfare to Work: What are the Obstacles?
Maureen O. Marcenko and Jay Fagan
Reasonable Efforts, Unreasonable Effects: A Retrospective Analysis of the 'Reasonable Efforts' Clause in the Adoption Assistance and Child Welfare Act of 1980
Wendy Whiting Blome
Research Notes
Residualism and Rural America: A Decade Later
Steve Jacob, Fern K. Willits, and Leif Jensen
Coherency Among Substance Abuse Models
Stephen Kauffman and John Poulin
Book Notes
Book Reviews
Review of The Youth Gang Problem: A Community Approach. Irving A. Spergel. Reviewed by James Callicut, University of Texas, Arlington.
James W. Callicutt
Review of Native American Postcolonial Psychology. Eduardo Duran and Bonnie Duran. Reviewed by Dana Wilson Klar, Washington University.
Dana Wilson Klar
Review of Aids in Post-communist Russia and its Successor States. Christopher Williams. Reviewed by Ronald J. Mancoske, Southern University at New Orleans.
Ronald J. Mancoske