ScholarWorks > HHS > Social Work > JSSW > Vol. 27 > Iss. 3 (2000)
Volume 27, Issue 3 (2000) September
Complete Issue
Second-Generation Parenthood: A Panel Study of Grandmother and Grandchild Coresidency Among Low-Income Families, 1967-1992
Richard K. Caputo
Making a Difference: Human Service Interest Group Influence on Social Welfare Program Regulations
Richard Hoefer
The Discourse of Denigration and the Creation of "Other"
Joshua Miller and Gerald Schamess
Pathways to Prison: Life Histories of Former Clients of the Child Welfare and Juvenile Justice Systems
Stephen A. Kapp
Race, Class, and Support for Egalitarian Statism Among the African American Middle Class
George Wilson
Urban Violence among African American Males: Integrating Family, Neighborhood, and Peer Perspectives
M. Daniel Bennett Jr. and Mark W. Fraser
The Potential Impact of Gender Role Socialization on Welfare Policy Formation
Magalene Harris Taylor
Grandma's Babies: The Problem of Welfare Eligibility for Children Raised by Relatives
Rebecca L. Hegar and Maria Scannapieco
Book Notes
Book Reviews
Review of World's Apart: Why Poverty Persists in Rural America. Cynthia Duncan. Reviewed by William Rainford, University of California, Berkely.
William Rainford