ScholarWorks > HHS > Social Work > JSSW > Vol. 28 > Iss. 2 (2001)
Volume 28, Issue 2 (2001) June
Complete Issue
E. Franklin Frazier's Theory of the Black Family: Vindication and Sociological Insight
Clovis E. Semmes
Work Values of Students and Their Success in Studying at the Study Centre for Social Work in Zagreb, Croatia
Mladen Knežiević and Marija Ovsenik
Beyond the Rank and File Movement: Mary van Kleeck and Social Work Radicalism in the Great Depression, 1931-1942
Patrick Selmi and Richard Hunter
Welfare Reform Sanctions and Financial Strain in a Food-Pantry Sample
Jean Oggins and Amy Fleming
Managed Care and Social Work: Practice Implications in an Era of Change
Sophia F. Dziegielewski and Diane C. Holliman
Changing Patterns of Acute Psychiatric Hospitalization under a Public Managed Care Program
Christopher G. Hudson
Book Notes
Book Reviews
Review of Philanthropic Foundations for the Twentieth Century. Joseph C. Kiger. Reviewed by Ralph Kramer
Ralph M. Kramer
Review of Principles of Social Justice. David Miller. Reviewed by Dorothy Van Soest
Dorothy Van Soest
Review of Open Moral Communities. Seymore J. Mandelbaum. Reviewed by Alice K. Johnson
Alice K. Johnson