

The sought after concept of "socialized justice" toward which we aspire will hopefully emerge a reality in the Twentieth Century. The pendulum swings from the public's indignation and outrage toward the violent and heinous crimes of our times to the advance of modern correctional methods and techniques stimulated by changing social forces and federally funded programs; the humanization of our prisons, facilities and field services is the result. Gains are being made which are beginning to be felt, in which prescribed treatment programs tailored to meet the needs of the individual are beginning to pay dividends. This advance speaks to two basic premises inherent in the socialized justice concept: that persons caught up in the criminal justice system (1) possess dignity as individuals; and (2) are capable of change. Implicit in this is the idea that what happens during the person's period of incarceration should be determined by his assessed needs rather than by the category of crime he conmmitted.

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