ScholarWorks > HHS > Social Work > JSSW > Vol. 36 > Iss. 1 (2009)
Volume 36, Issue 1 (2009) March
Complete Issue
Prevalence and Correlates of Adolescent Dating Violence in Bangkok, Thailand
Penchan Pradubmook-Sherer
Child Care and Development Fund: A Policy Analysis
Colleen K. Vesely and Elaine A. Anderson
Parental Assets: A Pathway to Positive Child Educational Outcomes
Michal Grinstein-Weiss, Yeong Hun Yeo, Kate Irish, and Min Zhan
Promoting Positive Outcomes for Healthy Youth Development: Utilizing Social Capital Theory
Julie Anne Laser and George Stuart Leibowitz
The Failures of American Poverty Measures
Stephen Pimpare
Structuration Theory and Critical Consciousness: Potential Applications for Social Work Practice
Jennifer Wheeler-Brooks
Welcome to the Neighborhood: Does Where you Live Affect the Use of Nutrition, Health, and Welfare Programs?
Molly De Marco and Allison C. De Marco
Book Reviews
Review of Differential Diagnosis: A Comparative History of Health Care Problems and Solutions in the United States and France. Paul V. Dutton. Reviewed by Krista Drescher Burke.
Krista Drescher Burke
Review of Why America Lost the War on Poverty-And How to Win It. Frank Stricker. Reviewed by Mary Ager Caplan.
Mary Ager Caplan
Review of Challenges of an Aging Society; Ethical Dilemmas, Political Issues. Rachel A. Pruchno and Michael Smyer, Editors. Reviewed by Erica Yoonkyung Auh.
Erica Yoonkyung Auh
Review of Grassroots Struggles for Sustainability in Central America. Lynn R. Horton. Reviewed by Ian W. Holloway.
Ian W. Holloway
Review of Mexican Immigration to the United States. George J. Borjas, Editor. Reviewed by Michelle Johnson.
Michelle Johnson