ScholarWorks > HHS > Social Work > JSSW > Vol. 39 > Iss. 1 (2012)
Volume 39, Issue 1 (2012) March - Special Issue on Declining Significance of Race, Revisited
Complete Issue
Moving Beyond Dichotomies: How the Intersection of Race, Class and Place Impacts High School Graduation Rates for African American Students
Heather L. Storer, Joseph A. Mienko, Yu-Ling Chang, Ji Young Kang, Christina Miyawaki, and Katie Schultz
The Significance of Race for Neighborhood Social Cohesion: Perceived Difficulty of Collective Action in Majority Black Neighborhoods
Tara Hobson-Prater and Tamara G.J. Leech
"Waiting for the White Man to Fix Things:" Rebuilding Black Poverty in New Orleans
Robert L. Hawkins and Katherine Maurer
Towards a Practice-based Model for Community Practice: Linking Theory and Practice
Amnon Boehm and Ram A. Cnaan
The Criminalization of Immigration: Value Conflicts for the Social Work Profession
Rich Furman, Alissa R. Ackerman, Melody Loya, Susanna Jones, and Nalini Negi
Editor's Note
Editors' Introduction: Revisiting William J. Wilson's The Declining Significance of Race
Richard K. Caputo and Luisa S. Deprez
Book Reviews
Review of Colonialism and Welfare: Social Policy and the British Imperial Legacy. James Midgley and David Piachaud (Eds.). Reviewed by Melinda Williams Moore.
Melinda Williams Moore