ScholarWorks > HHS > Social Work > JSSW > Vol. 4 > Iss. 8 (1977)
Volume 4, Issue 8 (1977) November
Complete Issue
The Individual and the Society: A Needed Reexamination of Social Legislation and Policy
Ralph Segalman
Sex Roles and Work Roles in Post-industrial Society
Diane Barthel
Government Spending and Welfare Employment
Martin D. Lowenthal
The Interests of Children and the Interests of the State: Rethinking the Conflict between Child Welfare Policy and Foster Care Practice
A. Pare and J. Torczyner
Problems of Advocacy
Robert J. S. Ross
A Classification Scheme for Medical Expenditures
James Veney and Arnold Kaluzny
Is Criminology a Policy Science
Robert F. Meier and Gilbert Geis
Introduction: Warfare-Welfare as a Serious Social Problem for Study and Action
Lawrence K. Northwood
Eighteen Leading Social Critics Comment: What is the Real Threat to World Peace and Social Security?
Kenneth A. Kirkpatrick and Lawrence K. Northwood
A Moment of Truth in the Warfare-Welfare Debate: The Transfer Amendment
Elizabeth Holtzman
New York City and the Economic Crisis
Joseph Harris
The Warfare-Welfare Tradeoff: Health, Public Aid and Housing
Kathleen Peroff
The Welfare Effort of the United States: Know Then Thyself
Leonard S. Miller and Marleen Clark
A Comparison of Defense and Welfare Spending in the United States and the United Kingdom, 1946-1976
James L. Clayton
Social Policy and War
Paul Adams
The Political Economy of Social Welfare: A Perspective
Christopher Rhoades Dykema
The Conservative Program for the Welfare-Warfare State: The Response to the Korean, Algerian, and Vietnamese Wars
Clarence Y.H. Lo
The Welfare State within the Military
Charles Maynard and Ann Blalock
Social Wolk in Relief and Rehabilitation after Wars, at Home and Abroad
Walter A. Friedlander
Alienation of Youth as an Unintended Consequence of Military Assistance in Africa: Illustrations from the Ethiopian Experience
Quentin F. Schenk
The Soft Spot: How to Attack the Pentagon
Marion Anderson
Social Welfare and Some Implications of Non-Violence
Mulford Q. Sibley
Anti-War Work by Discouragement of Warriors: A Critique of Anti-War Tactics Used among Naval Personnel in the Vietnam War
Orabelle Connally
A Disarmed World: Problems in Imaging the Future
Elise Boulding
Forward to Our Origins: Social Work Skills and Political Action in the Current Crisis
Bertram A. Weinert
Which Side Are You On?
Olga J. Northwood