"The Masaryks of Czechoslovakia: Contributions in Sociology, Social Wel" by Rebecca L. Hegar


Czechoslovakia, Czech Republic, Masaryk, social work history, sociology


This article profiles contributions to sociology, social welfare and politics by members of the Masaryk family of Czechoslovakia, with primary emphasis on the career of Alice G. Masaryk (or Masarykovd), an applied sociologist and founder of Czech social work. As the daughter of Tomdi G. Masaryk, an academic philosopher and early sociologist who became the first President of Czechoslovakia in 1918, her life and work are inextricably linked with the country's history and with one of the remarkable families of their era. Research for this articlei nvolved searchingl iteraturef rom several disciplines and reviewing historical publications and documents from relevant periods. The Masaryk legacy has renewed relevance as social work practice and education become reestablished in the Czech Republic.

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