

Social work, knowledge transfer, research, practice systematization, educational model


Knowledge is the central axis of human experience, especially in view of the current culture of information and knowledge in a highly interfaced and technical globalized world. Increased access to information and knowledge are essential prerequisites for the development of all aspects of modern societies. Teaching and research are two of the main functions of modern universities. As a result, two of their fundamental pillars are the creation and transfer of knowledge. Such transfer of knowledge, in turn, requires maintaining effective channels of communication with the public and private sectors of the labor market. Social workers are encouraged to maintain and improve such channels of communication and knowledge transfer in academia and in professional practice. Due to the peculiarities of our profession, a dual strategy for enhancing such communication is proposed. First, universities need to generate useful knowledge to eliminate or ameliorate social problems. Second, research implications for social work practice must be assessed and systematized before they can be disseminated. To this end, this article presents and describes various academic and professional experiences and proposes a model for educational transfer and innovation in social work.

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