ScholarWorks > HHS > Social Work > JSSW > Vol. 50 > Iss. 1 (2023)
Volume 50, Issue 1 (2023) Anti-Trans Policies and Social Work Education
Complete Issue
Transphobia in Class, Anti-trans Legislation at the State: A Commentary on Navigating Harm and Hope in a Social Work Education Program
Emera Greenwood and Megan S. Paceley
Between the Noise and Silence: An Autoethnography Challenging Schools of Social Work to Evolve for Trans Students
Isaac M. Akapnitis, G. Trey Jenkins, and Natasha S. Mendoza
A Descriptive Account of the Practicum Experiences of Trans and Nonbinary Social Work Students
Jama Shelton, SJ Dodd, Jamie Borgan, Gabriel San Emeterio, and Ana Rikki Wilhelm
“An Institution Can Have Good Intentions and Still Be Atrocious": Transgender and Gender Expansive Experiences in Social Work Education
M. Killian Kinney, Darren Cosgrove, Tayon R. Swafford, and Richard A. Brandon-Friedman
Teaching Beyond Trans-Competency: Exploring Trans-Affirming Pedagogy Through Applied Case Studies
Sam Harrell, Sarah Mountz, and Hazel (Bobbi) Ali Zaman
Committed to the Cause? Examining Social Work Education's Role in Supporting Ally Behavior for Transgender and Nonbinary People and Communities
Brittanie Atteberry-Ash, N. Eugene Walls, Brendon T. Holloway, and Jayme Dooley
"We're All We Have": Envisioning the Future of Mutual Aid from Queer and Trans Perspectives
Brendon T. Holloway, C. Riley Hostetter, Karaya Morris, Jax Kynn, and Maximillion Kilby
Applications of Transformative Justice Principles for Centering Transgender and Gender Expansive Experiences in Social Work Education and Practice
E. Bickford, Angela Matijczak, Aaron Kemmerer, Florence Martinez, and M. Alex Wagaman
Anti-Transgender Policies and Practices in Social Work Education, Accreditation, and Licensing: A Call for Change
Darren L. Whitfield, Liam Westgate, Rachel E. Gartner, Leah A. Jacobs, and Brittanie Atteberry-Ash
Editor's Note
An Introduction to the Special Issue
Megan S. Paceley and Candace Christensen

Special Issue Editors
- Megan S. Paceley
- Candace Christensen