

Anti-ableism, disability justice, pedagogy, social work education


Our personal and collective experiences of ableism and disability brought us together to envision anti-ableist and disability justice pedagogies in social work education. We begin by describing, defining, and reviewing key terminology and concepts, including disability, ableism, and saneism, by drawing on social work and interdisciplinary literature and situating disabled students’ and educators’ experiences in social work education. We provide definitions of anti-ableism and disability justice (e.g., Sins Invalid, 2016, 2019) and a brief overview of how anti-ableism and disability justice have been articulated in social work and related literature. We highlight the broader pedagogical approaches that have inspired our own anti-ableist and disability justice pedagogies in social work education. Through our digital collaborative autoethnography, we imagine and include applications of anti-ableist and disability justice pedagogies in social work education.

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