


Table of Contents

  • The Self Disclosure Of Clinical Social Workers Social Work and Social Welfare: A Conceptual Matrix - LOUIS LEVITT - 636
  • Sociological Precedents and Contributions To The Understanding and Facilitation of Individual Behavioral Change: The Case for Counseling Sociology - CLIFFORD M. BLACK & RICHARD ENOS - 648
  • Factors Influencing The Decision of Minority Students To Attend Graduate Schools of Social Work - JEANNINE HENRY SANCHEZ, CHARLES H. MINDEL & DENNIS SALEEBEY - 665
  • Sowing The Seeds of Trouble: An Historical _Analysis of Compliance Structures In Child Welfare - TERRY GIBSON & MARY R. LEWIS - 679
  • Careers of Women Civil Rights Activists - RHODA LOIS BLUMBERG - 708
  • Loss Not Need: The Ethics of Relief Giving In Natural Disasters - THOMAS A. LEITKO, DAVID R. RUDY & STEVEN A. PETERSON - 730
  • The Denying of Death: A Social Psychological Study - HENRY H. B. CHANG & CARLA KAYE CHANG - 742
  • Purposive Social Change and Interorganizational Networks: The Case of Three Prepaid Health Programs - GAZE MILLER & CHARLES WAAINER - 755
  • Social Work's Diminished Commitment To The Paraprofessional - EDWARD A. BRAWLEY - 773

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