Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science in Engineering


Civil and Construction Engineering

First Advisor

Dr. Abiola Akanmu

Second Advisor

Dr. Haluk Aktan

Third Advisor

Dr. Yufeng Hu


genetic, site layout, automatic, dynamic, layout cost

Access Setting

Masters Thesis-Open Access


Dynamic site layout planning involves determining the optimum location of resources on the construction site. Site layouts are considered dynamic because construction activities and the number and nature of associated resources change as the project progresses. Previous research has focused on the use of several algorithms to address dynamic site layout problems. These efforts do not enable automated tracking of the dynamic context of construction resources, site space and activities. This research presents an automated adaptive component level system capable of generating layouts which are optimized throughout the phases of construction projects. The system involves the integration of building information models, genetic algorithm and the radio frequency identification real-time location sensing system. The developed system is based on sensing components and construction activity status, path predictability using genetic algorithm, cost prediction and site layout model generation. A practical implementation is presented to demonstrate the functionality and utility of the developed system. The benefits of this system include access to real-time status of resources and site spaces which will aid the construction project team in quick decision making. The system also has potential for enhancing real-time communication and collaboration between the personnel on the job site and the office.
