Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Music



First Advisor

Dr. Ramon Zupko

Access Setting

Masters Thesis-Open Access


Vista Forms for Orchestra is in three movements and is approximately 17 minutes and 34 seconds in duration. The first movement, "Zupkoiana", derives much of its melodic content from the following motive, taken from Ramon Zupko's piano concerto "Windsongs":

Several lesser ideas used in the first movement are 1) the sounding of dense vertical sonorities in rapid succession 2) double-dotted rhythms 3) the juxtapositioning of linear and harmonic sections, and 4) the Snare Drum motive stated in the first measure. All of these elements may be found in "Windsongs". The second movement, entitled "Monteana", derives much of its harmonic content from the three measures preceding "J" in the first movement. In this movement the harmonic rhythm is slowed to accentuate the sonority of this chord progression. The melodic content of this movement is derived from the motive stated in the second and third measures in the woodwinds. The third movement, "Curtis-Smithiana", draws its spirit and much of its musical material from C. Curtis-Smith1s piece for Brass Quintet and Piano; primarily the chord composed of the tones of a major-minor seventh chord sounded simultaneously with its resolution a fifth below the root. The form of this movement is A-B-C-B-C-A. The "A" sections serve as an introduction and coda, and the "B" and "C" sections toggle between moods of hesitancy and directionality. The six suspended cymbals provide a sonorically animated environment in which the pitched material of the "B" sections may exist. They also provide assistance in delineating phrases of tension and relaxation within the "B" sections.

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Music Commons
