Date of Award
Degree Name
Master of Arts
First Advisor
Dr. David O. Lyon
Second Advisor
Dr. N. D. Kent
Third Advisor
Dr. F. Gault
Access Setting
Masters Thesis-Open Access
The present study was designed to investigate the effectiveness of a two lever escape avoidance paradigm as a potential drug evaluation procedure. In this procedure responses on one lever postponed the onset of shock for a fixed period of time while responses on the other lever were effective only in terminating shock. This procedure effectively separates the escape and avoidance behaviors of a single organism and should provide a sensitive baseline upon which to measure the specific effects of drugs upon these two behaviors. The specific and differential effects of three dose levels of chlorpromazine upon escape and avoidance behaviors were evaluated on this baseline.
The results showed that while the rate of avoidance behavior was found to be decreased by the administration of chlorpromazine, other inappropriate responses increased. These data were interpreted as indicating that chlorpromazine may not selectively block avoidance behavior but simply increase interfering behaviors.
Recommended Citation
Bohlmann Lapato, Susan E., "The Effects of Chlorpromazine on Escape and Avoidance Behavior" (1971). Masters Theses. 2898.