Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Arts


Human Performance and Health Education

First Advisor

Dr. Mary L. Dawson

Second Advisor

Dr. Roger Zabik

Third Advisor

Dr. James Lewis

Access Setting

Masters Thesis-Open Access


The problem of this investigation was to describe the kinetics and kinematics of three figure skating jumps: axel, double toe loop, and double loop. Specifically, the researcher investigated impact force, kinetic energy, and selected kinematic variables of female skaters during the landing phase of the three figure skating jumps. Kinetic energy and impact force were calculated during three phases of landing: Initial, Mid, and Final. Each of these phases represented a third of the time spent in landing each of the jumps. The kinematic variables measured during the landing phase of the jumps were vertical velocity, horizontal velocity, shoulder rotation, hip rotation, thigh/trunk angle, trunk inclination, and knee angle. The purpose of the study was to establish a better understanding of the stresses placed on a skater's body when executing jumps. It was intended that the analysis of figure skaters would provide evidence of strength and other physical attributes necessary to assure success in learning figure skating jumps. Results showed that the better jumpers experienced greater impact forces and kinetic energy for all jumps and dissipated the impact force over a greater time when compared to the poorer jumpers. The lack of ability of the poorer jumpers to dissipate the forces over time resulted in a greater impact during a shorter time of the landing phase and probably was responsible for the poor form and falls that resulted. Similar shoulder and hip rotations were observed in all subjects. However, the better jumpers had a more upright trunk position during landing than the poorer jumpers.
