Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Arts



First Advisor

Dr. David Lemberg

Second Advisor

Dr. Lucius Hallet IV

Third Advisor

Dr. James Lewis

Access Setting

Masters Thesis-Campus Only


This thesis determines the feasibility of a heritage water trail and uses the results in the development of a recreational plan for the Cedar Creek waterway between the towns of Cedar Lake and Lowell in Lake County, Indiana. Through a review of the relevant literature on heritage tourism, ecotourism, and the economic benefits of water trails and associated environmental issues. Highlights include the historical features of the water trail, the significant environmental features of the waterway, the navigability of the waterway and what maneuverability issues face the potential water trail. I then discuss the best access points along Cedar Creek and the improvements needed as well as key recommendations towards monitoring the heritage water trail. I finish by presenting an implementation plan for Cedar Creek Heritage Water Trail.

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