Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Arts



First Advisor

Dr. Leigh A. Ford

Second Advisor

Dr. Maria Knight Lapinski

Third Advisor

Dr. Kathleen M. Propp

Access Setting

Masters Thesis-Campus Only


Enrolling minority, or under-represented, groups has long been a focus of college professionals; however, the percentage of under-represented students attending college continues to trail their European-American peers. This study examined recruitment messages tailored to reflect cultural differences and the possible positive effect of these messages on the ability of an institution to attract African-American students. Based on previous research, three hypotheses were proposed: That African-American participants would be more collectivistic than their European-American peers; that African-American participants would be more interested in the institution when they received the collectivistic message; and that European-Americans would respond more favorably when they received the individualistic themed message. T-tests and Analysis of Variance tests were conducted which did not show support for the hypotheses. Findings of the hypotheses and research questions analysis are discussed.

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