Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Arts



First Advisor

Dr. Robert Wait

Second Advisor

Dr. Thomas Ford

Third Advisor

Dr. Richard MacDonald

Access Setting

Masters Thesis-Open Access


The purpose of this study is to assess public and private differences in gender role identity presentation. It was hypothesized that in both public and private, males should generally present themselves as more masculine (instrumental) and females should present themselves as more feminine (expressive) as traditional gender norms would suggest. Also, public and private situational differences in gender identity presentation are hypothesized. Males and females who are high in public self-consciousness should design their gender related presentations to meet the normative expectations of public situations because these individuals are highly aware of social expectations.

The results of the study supported the first hypothesis in that men and women did portray themselves in a manner constant with normative gender standards. Women high in public self-consciousness were found not to present themselves in more feminine ways in public than in private settings. It was unclear whether this finding indicated a lack of relationship between self-consciousness and public identity presentation or a failure of the independent variable manipulation.
