Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Arts



First Advisor

Dr. Alyce M. Dickinson

Second Advisor

Dr. William Redmon

Third Advisor

Dr. Bradley Huitema

Access Setting

Masters Thesis-Open Access


This study investigated the effects of a supervisor training program on the subsequent use of objective measures and contingent consequences by a manager when monitoring and evaluating the performance of supervisors, and by supervisors when monitoring and evaluating the performance of direct care staff in a human service agency. Data also were collected to examine whether changes in supervisor performance produced changes in the direct care staff's use of contingent consequences for client performance and changes in client behaviors. One manager, 4 supervisors, 7 staff and 16 clients from an employment training center and a group home participated in the study. Increases in the use of contingent performance consequences were observed for all subjects at the supervisory/management level, and for six of the seven staff. Desired decreases in target behaviors occurred for 9 of 16 clients, and desired increases for 8 of 13 clients.
