
Ladel Lewis

Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Arts



First Advisor

Dr. Zoann Snyder

Second Advisor

Dr. Douglas Davidson

Third Advisor

Dr. Charles Crawford

Access Setting

Masters Thesis-Open Access


This study analyzed 52 of the most popular hip-hop videos aired on Black Entertainment Television in the summer of 2004. Using a qualitative content analysis instrument used in a previous study, three prominent characteristics in these videos were identified: (1) the level of sexism, (2) the presence of intimate touch and/or the presence of alluring attire. From those characteristics, it was discerned that there were more videos that possessed high levels of sexism than those that had very little or non . It was also found that the majority of the videos depicted women wearing alluring attire and having intimate touching scenes with men as well as other women in the videos. It was concluded that in these rap videos, women are portrayed in a sexist manner and male artists are more prone than female artists to exploit women as sexual objects in the name of hip-hop.

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Sociology Commons
