Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Arts


Art Education

First Advisor

Dr. William Charland

Second Advisor

Dr. Christina Chin

Third Advisor

Dr. Nichole Maury


art education, multiculturalism, artists of color, non-Western artists, art

Access Setting

Masters Thesis-Open Access


In my thesis, I review research on how to integrate multiculturalism into both the art classroom and curriculum. I also discuss the exclusion of art by non-Western artists and artists of color from museums and galleries. Finally, I explain why I chose the cultures and artists for my topic of study.

I include research on nine contemporary artists. These non-Western and artists of color have been selected to be used as inspiration for creating art in the middle school art room. Each artist has a unique style and story, both of which contribute to creating a well-rounded curriculum. Finally, I include nine lesson plans that I have created based on my research that includes various contemporary artists. This helped me create a template for the multicultural middle school art curriculum that is presented in the final section.

Included in

Art Education Commons
