Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Arts



First Advisor

Dr. David S. Lemberg

Second Advisor

Dr. Rolland Fraser

Third Advisor

Dr. Lynne Heasley

Access Setting

Masters Thesis-Open Access


Indigenous planting design, the practice of incorporating regional native plant species into new landscape projects, is little studied. This trend is counter to the more known and accepted American practice of using exotic ornamental plant species. This thesis studies the work and context of one Texas landscape architect, H. Dan Heyn. Beginning in the 1950's and continuing through the 1980's, Heyn became committed to, and specialized in, the use of indigenous plants in his landscape architectural design practice.

This investigation shows the beginning and importance in Texas of the idea to use indigenous plants, the tremendous task involved to study and understand the local plants, and the momentous struggle to obtain and plant particular native species. Notably, there was a handful of allied professionals during this period that supported and greatly contributed to the effort. From the wide-ranging ground work of these rugged individualists - botany professors, university extension researchers, a plant grower, a landscape architect, a small number of accepting architects and clients, and a national political figure - the movement greatly expanded after 1980, and developed into the "native plant" landscape design trend in Texas.

Included in

Geography Commons
