Research Day

Thromboelastography Following Liver Resection

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BACKGROUND: This study was aimed at examining the predominant coagulation profile following liver resection. OBJECTIVE: Study the TEG profile following liver resection. METHODS: Patients undergoing liver resection were prospectively enrolled in the study. Perioperative variables were obtained and the TEG AND PT/INR were obtained preoperatively, post-operatively, and on POD# 1, 3, and 5. RESULTS: 17 patients were enrolled with a median age of 61, 35.3 % were female undergoing resection for either primary or metastatic disease. 35.3% underwent major hepatectomy, median EBL was 350mL, and the median LOS was 6 days, with a morbidity of 35.3% and no mortality. Post-operatively the TEG profile demonstrated a hypercoagulable profile in 92.8%, 64.2%, 57.1% and 42.8% of patients immediately post-operatively, and on POD# 1, 3, and 5 respectively. Despite multiple elevations in PT/INR in all the time points there was no concordance with the TEG profile. CONCLUSION: The TEG profile demonstrated a hypercoagulable profile in majority of patients undergoing liver resection despite an elevated PT/INR.

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