The Middle High German Database and Cooperating Projects: Emotions by Mouseclick
Sponsoring Organization(s)
Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Mittelalter-Studien (IZMS), Univ. Salzburg
Organizer Name
Ursula Bieber
Organizer Affiliation
Univ. Salzburg
Presider Name
Ursula Bieber
Paper Title 1
Losing One's Temper: Objects of the Interior in the Visualization of Emotions
Presenter 1 Name
Isabella Nicka
Presenter 1 Affiliation
Institut für Realienkunde des Mittelalters und der frühen Neuzeit, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften
Paper Title 2
Extreme Emotions: Anger and Fury, Fear and Trembling
Presenter 2 Name
Katharina Wachauer-Zeppezauer, Klaus Schmidt
Presenter 2 Affiliation
Mittelhochdeutsche Begriffsdatenbank, Bowling Green State Univ.
Paper Title 3
Passion in Lyric Poetry of the Romance Language Area
Presenter 3 Name
Maurizio Lana
Presenter 3 Affiliation
Univ. delgli Studi del Piemonte Orientale Amedeo Avogadro
Start Date
10-5-2013 3:30 PM
Session Location
Schneider 1345
The Middle High German Database and Cooperating Projects: Emotions by Mouseclick
Schneider 1345