Elizabeth I on Film
Sponsoring Organization(s)
Queen Elizabeth I Society
Organizer Name
Anna Riehl Bertolet
Organizer Affiliation
Auburn Univ.
Presider Name
Carole Levin
Presider Affiliation
Univ. of Nebraska-Lincoln
Paper Title 1
Will the Real Elizabeth Please Stand Up?: Film, History, and the YouTube Classroom
Presenter 1 Name
Natalie Loper
Presenter 1 Affiliation
Univ. of Alabama
Paper Title 2
Iconography in Cinematic Depictions of Elizabeth I
Presenter 2 Name
Kavita Mudan Finn
Presenter 2 Affiliation
Independent Scholar
Start Date
11-5-2013 3:30 PM
Session Location
Schneider 2345
This panel will discuss representations of Elizabeth's "Tilbury Speech" in several films, the relationship between the portraiture of Elizabeth and her film iconography, as well as pedagogical use of these findings in the classroom.
Anna Riehl Bertolet
Elizabeth I on Film
Schneider 2345
This panel will discuss representations of Elizabeth's "Tilbury Speech" in several films, the relationship between the portraiture of Elizabeth and her film iconography, as well as pedagogical use of these findings in the classroom.
Anna Riehl Bertolet