Networks of Reading in the Later Middle Ages
Sponsoring Organization(s)
Early Book Society
Organizer Name
Martha W. Driver
Organizer Affiliation
Pace Univ.
Presider Name
Martha W. Driver
Paper Title 1
Patrons, Religious Houses, and the C Text of Piers Plowman
Presenter 1 Name
Michael Madrinkian
Presenter 1 Affiliation
Univ. of Oxford
Paper Title 2
Networks of Reading The Scale of Perfection
Presenter 2 Name
Michael G. Sargent
Presenter 2 Affiliation
Queens College and Graduate Center, CUNY
Paper Title 3
Saint Bridget in the North: A Dialectical Analysis of MS Cotton Claudius B.I
Presenter 3 Name
Jessica C. Brown
Presenter 3 Affiliation
Arizona State Univ.
Paper Title 4
New Worlds and Networks of Reading in Early Sixteenth-Century Europe
Presenter 4 Name
Thomas Hahn
Presenter 4 Affiliation
Univ. of Rochester
Start Date
14-5-2016 3:30 PM
Session Location
Schneider 1265
"Networks of Reading in the Later Middle Ages" explores reading circles, religious and lay, along with the circulation of MSS and books between those in the professional classes, in order to discern contemporary tastes, literary influences, and intellectual and/or religious associations.
Networks of Reading in the Later Middle Ages
Schneider 1265
"Networks of Reading in the Later Middle Ages" explores reading circles, religious and lay, along with the circulation of MSS and books between those in the professional classes, in order to discern contemporary tastes, literary influences, and intellectual and/or religious associations.