New Voices in Anglo-Saxon Studies I
Sponsoring Organization(s)
International Society of Anglo-Saxonists
Organizer Name
Mary Kate Hurley
Organizer Affiliation
Ohio Univ.
Presider Name
Mary Kate Hurley
Paper Title 1
Anxiety, Innovation, and Invented Tradition: Burial Practice as an Indicator of Political Stress and Cultural Affinity in Mid- to Late Anglo-Saxon England
Presenter 1 Name
Alexandra Aversa Sheldon
Presenter 1 Affiliation
Univ. of Oxford
Paper Title 2
Marvellous Spaces in the Vercelli Book: Topic Modelling and Old English Religious Verse
Presenter 2 Name
Alexandra Bolintineanu
Presenter 2 Affiliation
Univ. of Toronto
Paper Title 3
Old English Elegies: Language and Genre
Presenter 3 Name
Stephanie Opfer
Presenter 3 Affiliation
Northern Illinois Univ.
Paper Title 4
Presenter 4 Name
David F. Johnson
Presenter 4 Affiliation
Florida State Univ.
Start Date
12-5-2016 1:30 PM
Session Location
Schneider 1265
A session showcasing new scholars in any aspect of Anglo-Saxon Studies.
Mary Kate Hurley
New Voices in Anglo-Saxon Studies I
Schneider 1265
A session showcasing new scholars in any aspect of Anglo-Saxon Studies.
Mary Kate Hurley