Workshop on Ibero-Romance Paleography
Sponsoring Organization(s)
Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies (HSMS)
Organizer Name
Francisco Gago-Jover, Pablo Pastrana-Pérez
Organizer Affiliation
College of the Holy Cross, Western Michigan Univ.
Presider Name
Lis Torres
Presider Affiliation
Western Michigan Univ.
Paper Title 1
Paleografía en lengua castellana hasta el siglo XV
Presenter 1 Name
Francisco Gago-Jover
Paper Title 2
Paleografía en lengua española siglos XV y XVI
Presenter 2 Name
Pablo Pastrana-Pérez
Paper Title 3
Transcribir y editar hoy textos medievales iberorromances. Algunos aspectos paleográficos y de edición digital
Presenter 3 Name
Ricardo Pichel Gotérrez
Presenter 3 Affiliation
Univ. de Alcalá/Univ. de Santiago de Compostela
Start Date
12-5-2017 10:00 AM
Session Location
Fetzer 1045
This session is devoted to the presentation of different paleographic standards for the transcription of Ibero-Romance documents, with emphasis on the medieval and early-modern periods. Mention to both manuscript and early printed documents, be they in textual, paratextual or iconographic form, will be made to illustrate the different practices. Emphasis will be placed on conflicting or problematic issues in transcribing Ibero-Romance documents and in the different approaches to their resolution.
Pablo M. Pastrana-Pérez
Workshop on Ibero-Romance Paleography
Fetzer 1045
This session is devoted to the presentation of different paleographic standards for the transcription of Ibero-Romance documents, with emphasis on the medieval and early-modern periods. Mention to both manuscript and early printed documents, be they in textual, paratextual or iconographic form, will be made to illustrate the different practices. Emphasis will be placed on conflicting or problematic issues in transcribing Ibero-Romance documents and in the different approaches to their resolution.
Pablo M. Pastrana-Pérez