Sense and Sensibility in Anglo-Saxon England
Sponsoring Organization(s)
Special Session
Organizer Name
Hilary E. Fox
Organizer Affiliation
Wayne State Univ.
Presider Name
Hilary E. Fox
Paper Title 1
The Blossoms' Sweet Stench: The Sense of Smell in Old English Texts
Presenter 1 Name
Maren Clegg Hyer
Presenter 1 Affiliation
Valdosta State Univ.
Paper Title 2
Sense and the Senses in Constructions of Personhood in Narratives of Impairment
Presenter 2 Name
Marit Ronen
Presenter 2 Affiliation
Hebrew Univ. of Jerusalem
Paper Title 3
Terrifying Sounds in Beowulf: Toward a Theory of Anglo-Saxon Fear and Horror
Presenter 3 Name
Brian O'Camb
Presenter 3 Affiliation
Indiana Univ. Northwest
Start Date
12-5-2017 1:30 PM
Session Location
Schneider 1155
Sense and Sensibility in Anglo-Saxon England
Schneider 1155