Urban Economies in the Fourteenth Century

Sponsoring Organization(s)

14th Century Society

Organizer Name

Debra A. Salata

Organizer Affiliation

Lincoln Memorial Univ.

Presider Name

Marie D'Aguanno Ito

Presider Affiliation

American Univ.

Paper Title 1

Credit and Crisis: Catalan Jewish Women Moneylenders before and after the Black Death

Presenter 1 Name

Sarah Ifft Decker

Presenter 1 Affiliation

Yale Univ.

Paper Title 2

The Seasonal Economic Patterns of a Mountain Town: Puigcerdà 1321-1322

Presenter 2 Name

Elizabeth Comuzzi

Presenter 2 Affiliation

Univ. of California-Los Angeles

Paper Title 3

Montpeller: A Mercantile Center in the Fourteenth Century

Presenter 3 Name

Debra A. Salata

Start Date

13-5-2017 10:00 AM

Session Location

Schneider 1265


This session will focus on urban economic issues of the medieval Europe, including the local, regional, and long distance trade networks of medieval cities, the economic spatial relationships of medieval cities, and the economic motivations underlying the formation, functioning, and development of medieval cities. This session welcomes papers based on both traditional research methods and new analytical processes, such as GIS.

Debra A. Salata

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May 13th, 10:00 AM

Urban Economies in the Fourteenth Century

Schneider 1265

This session will focus on urban economic issues of the medieval Europe, including the local, regional, and long distance trade networks of medieval cities, the economic spatial relationships of medieval cities, and the economic motivations underlying the formation, functioning, and development of medieval cities. This session welcomes papers based on both traditional research methods and new analytical processes, such as GIS.

Debra A. Salata