Male Virginity
Sponsoring Organization(s)
Society for the Study of Homosexuality in the Middle Ages (SSHMA)
Organizer Name
Graham N. Drake
Organizer Affiliation
Presider Name
Graham N. Drake
Paper Title 1
Heroic Male Virginity
Presenter 1 Name
Susannah Chewning
Presenter 1 Affiliation
Union County College
Paper Title 2
Spanish Virgins: Saint Pelagius and His Brethren
Presenter 2 Name
Felipe Rojas
Presenter 2 Affiliation
Univ. of Chicago
Start Date
13-5-2017 3:30 PM
Session Location
Bernhard 158
This session will examine texts and cultural representations of male virginity and chastity in the Middle Ages. Discussions may include hagiography, monastic or anchoritic rules, literary works, or artistic representations of the notions of male virginity in medieval culture and history. Although comparisons can be made to female virginity, the focus of the session will be how notions of male virginity are represented, controlled, queered, and potentially transgressed in the medieval world.
Graham N. Drake
Male Virginity
Bernhard 158
This session will examine texts and cultural representations of male virginity and chastity in the Middle Ages. Discussions may include hagiography, monastic or anchoritic rules, literary works, or artistic representations of the notions of male virginity in medieval culture and history. Although comparisons can be made to female virginity, the focus of the session will be how notions of male virginity are represented, controlled, queered, and potentially transgressed in the medieval world.
Graham N. Drake