The "Medieval" in Popular Culture
Sponsoring Organization(s)
General Session
Presider Name
Audrey Becker
Presider Affiliation
Marygrove College
Paper Title 1
Constructing Demons: The Origins of Normalizing Portrayals of Marginalized Groups as Threats
Presenter 1 Name
Karra Shimabukuro
Presenter 1 Affiliation
Univ. of New Mexico
Paper Title 2
Dice Rolling for Racism: White Supremacy and Role Playing Games
Presenter 2 Name
Donald Burke
Presenter 2 Affiliation
Cerro Coso Community College
Paper Title 3
The Cult of the Lady: Arthurian Medievalisms in The Witcher 3 and Total War: Warhammer
Presenter 3 Name
Kyle Dase
Presenter 3 Affiliation
Univ. of Saskatchewan
Start Date
10-5-2018 3:30 PM
Session Location
Schneider 1330
May 10th, 3:30 PM
The "Medieval" in Popular Culture
Schneider 1330