Start Ups and Flops II: Pastors and Disasters
Sponsoring Organization(s)
Episcopus: Society for the Study of Bishops and Secular Clergy in the Middle Ages
Organizer Name
Michael Burger
Organizer Affiliation
Auburn Univ.-Montgomery
Presider Name
Evan A. Gatti
Presider Affiliation
Elon Univ.
Paper Title 1
Like Some Good Bishop: Gregory of Tours on Bishops, Illnesses, and Plagues
Presenter 1 Name
Amanda Kenney
Presenter 1 Affiliation
Univ. of Missouri-Columbia
Paper Title 2
Calming the Storm: The Role of Bishops in Dalmatian Towns during the Hungarian Takover in the Twelfth Century
Presenter 2 Name
Judit Gál
Presenter 2 Affiliation
Eötvös Loránd Univ.
Paper Title 3
Arnulf of Lisieux and a Failed Reform
Presenter 3 Name
Gustav Zamore
Presenter 3 Affiliation
Stockholms Univ.
Paper Title 4
Installed with God's Blessings, Broken by History's Mysteries: The Strange Demise of Albi's Bishop Bernard de Castenet
Presenter 4 Name
Kathryn M. Karrer
Presenter 4 Affiliation
Independent Scholar
Start Date
11-5-2018 3:30 PM
Session Location
Schneider 1225
This session concerns maintaining institutions or practices by bishops and the secular clergy in the Middle Ages. Bishops were often confronted with the problem of meeting reversals. How did bishop respond to setbacks or even catastrophes, from plague to invasion to simply resistance to their programs?
Michael Burger
Start Ups and Flops II: Pastors and Disasters
Schneider 1225
This session concerns maintaining institutions or practices by bishops and the secular clergy in the Middle Ages. Bishops were often confronted with the problem of meeting reversals. How did bishop respond to setbacks or even catastrophes, from plague to invasion to simply resistance to their programs?
Michael Burger