Thomas Aquinas II
Sponsoring Organization(s)
Thomas Aquinas Society
Organizer Name
John F. Boyle
Organizer Affiliation
Univ. of St. Thomas, Minnesota
Presider Name
Robert Barry
Presider Affiliation
Providence College
Paper Title 1
The True, the Good, and Their Relations to God: A Reply to Michael Waddell
Presenter 1 Name
Michael J. Rubin
Presenter 1 Affiliation
Univ. of Mary Washington
Paper Title 2
Moral Agency as Pure Perfection? Divine Goodness in Aquinas
Presenter 2 Name
Brian T. Carl
Presenter 2 Affiliation
Dominican House of Studies
Paper Title 3
Necessity and Fittingness in the Four Properties of the Church
Presenter 3 Name
Gregory F. LaNave
Presenter 3 Affiliation
Dominican House of Studies
Start Date
12-5-2018 1:30 PM
Session Location
Valley 3 Stinson 306
May 12th, 1:30 PM
Thomas Aquinas II
Valley 3 Stinson 306