Shake Up the Canon I: Remaking the Canon

Sponsoring Organization(s)

Special Session

Organizer Name

Carrie Griffin; Mary C. Flannery

Organizer Affiliation

Univ. of Limerick; Independent Scholar

Presider Name

Mary C. Flannery

Paper Title 1

Books of Hours as Precanonical Texts, or, Why We Still Don't Teach Lydgate

Presenter 1 Name

Cynthia Turner Camp

Presenter 1 Affiliation

Univ. of Georgia

Paper Title 2

Appreciating the "Popular" Narrative Style of Middle English Visions of the Afterlife

Presenter 2 Name

Sebastian Kleinschmidt

Presenter 2 Affiliation

Albert-Ludwigs-Univ. Freiburg

Paper Title 3

Manuscript Canonicity

Presenter 3 Name

Daniel Sawyer

Presenter 3 Affiliation

Univ. of Oxford

Start Date

11-5-2018 1:30 PM

Session Location

Schneider 2345

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May 11th, 1:30 PM

Shake Up the Canon I: Remaking the Canon

Schneider 2345