Scandinavian Studies

Sponsoring Organization(s)

Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Studies

Organizer Name

Shaun F. D. Hughes

Organizer Affiliation

Purdue Univ.

Presider Name

Shaun F. D. Hughes

Paper Title 1

Cytomegalovirus Antibodies,, and the Utility of Old Norse

Presenter 1 Name

Robert E. Bjork

Presenter 1 Affiliation

Arizona State Univ.

Paper Title 2

Íslendingasögur, Anonymity, and Stylo: What Can Computational Stylistics Say about Anonymous Corpora?

Presenter 2 Name

Daria Glebova (Congress Travel Award Winner)

Presenter 2 Affiliation

Institute of Slavic Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences

Paper Title 3

Hrafnkels saga as a "Dæmisaga"

Presenter 3 Name

Sabine Heidi Walther

Presenter 3 Affiliation

Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Univ. Bonn

Start Date

11-5-2019 1:30 PM

Session Location

Schneider 1335


This session contains papers on Old Norse pedagogy, Old Norse and computational linguistics, the paranormal in Old Norse and Old English, and Hrafnkels saga as a Dæmisaga.

Shaun F. D. Hughes

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May 11th, 1:30 PM

Scandinavian Studies

Schneider 1335

This session contains papers on Old Norse pedagogy, Old Norse and computational linguistics, the paranormal in Old Norse and Old English, and Hrafnkels saga as a Dæmisaga.

Shaun F. D. Hughes