Late Medieval and Renaissance Art

Sponsoring Organization(s)

General Session

Presider Name

Katharine Olson

Presider Affiliation

San José State Univ./Bangor Univ.

Paper Title 1

Rise and Fall: The Foreshadowing of Islamic Thinking and Commodities Reflected in the Triumph of Saint Thomas Panel of Santa Caterina in Pisa

Presenter 1 Name

Tania Kolarik

Presenter 1 Affiliation

Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison

Paper Title 2

The Isenheim Crucifixion: A Painted Homily?

Presenter 2 Name

Katharine Lochnan

Presenter 2 Affiliation

Regis College, Univ. of Toronto

Start Date

9-5-2019 1:30 PM

Session Location

Sangren 1320

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May 9th, 1:30 PM

Late Medieval and Renaissance Art

Sangren 1320