Introduction to Blackletter (Gothic) Calligraphy: A Hands-On Workshop II

Sponsoring Organization(s)

Kalamazoo Book Arts Center (KBAC)

Organizer Name

Elizabeth C. Teviotdale

Organizer Affiliation

Western Michigan Univ.

Presider Name

Lisa LeBlanc

Presider Affiliation

Pen Dragons Calligraphy Guild

Paper Title 1

Workshop Leader

Presenter 1 Name

Lisa LeBlanc

Start Date

9-5-2019 3:30 PM

Session Location

Schneider 1155


Half of a hands-on workshop, taught by Lisa LeBlanc of Kalamazoo's Pen Dragons Calligraphy Guild, on the hand lettering known as Blackletter or Gothic, exploring upper- and lower-case letter construction, spacing, and layout. Also considered are historical variations and contemporary uses.

Elizabeth C. Teviotdale

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May 9th, 3:30 PM

Introduction to Blackletter (Gothic) Calligraphy: A Hands-On Workshop II

Schneider 1155

Half of a hands-on workshop, taught by Lisa LeBlanc of Kalamazoo's Pen Dragons Calligraphy Guild, on the hand lettering known as Blackletter or Gothic, exploring upper- and lower-case letter construction, spacing, and layout. Also considered are historical variations and contemporary uses.

Elizabeth C. Teviotdale