Introduction to Blackletter (Gothic) Calligraphy: A Hands-On Workshop I

Sponsoring Organization(s)

Kalamazoo Book Arts Center (KBAC)

Organizer Name

Elizabeth C. Teviotdale

Organizer Affiliation

Western Michigan Univ.

Presider Name

Lisa LeBlanc

Presider Affiliation

Pen Dragons Calligraphy Guild

Paper Title 1

Workshop Leader

Presenter 1 Name

Lisa LeBlanc

Start Date

9-5-2019 1:30 PM

Session Location

Schneider 1155


Half of a three-hour hands-on workshop, taught by Lisa LeBlanc of Kalamazoo's Pen Dragons Calligraphy Guild, on hand lettering known as Blackletter or Gothic, especially upper- and lower-case letter construction, spacing, and layout. A brief look is also given to historical variations and contemporary uses.

Elizabeth C. Teviotdale

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May 9th, 1:30 PM

Introduction to Blackletter (Gothic) Calligraphy: A Hands-On Workshop I

Schneider 1155

Half of a three-hour hands-on workshop, taught by Lisa LeBlanc of Kalamazoo's Pen Dragons Calligraphy Guild, on hand lettering known as Blackletter or Gothic, especially upper- and lower-case letter construction, spacing, and layout. A brief look is also given to historical variations and contemporary uses.

Elizabeth C. Teviotdale