Rewriting Cistercian Exempla between the End of the Twelfth and the Beginning of the Thirteenth Century

Sponsoring Organization(s)

Center for Cistercian and Monastic Studies, Western Michigan Univ.

Organizer Name

Stefano Mula

Organizer Affiliation

Middlebury College

Presider Name

Marsha L. Dutton

Presider Affiliation

Cistercian Publications

Paper Title 1

The Scriptorium of Clairvaux and the Rewriting of Herbert's Liber visionum et miraculorum Clarevallensium

Presenter 1 Name

Stefano Mula

Paper Title 2

Exempla and Hagiography

Presenter 2 Name

Lawrence Morey OCSO

Presenter 2 Affiliation

Abbey of Gethsemani

Paper Title 3

Heed the Dead or Hew the Dead? Revenants in Cistercian Exempla and Icelandic Sagas

Presenter 3 Name

F. Tyler Sergent

Presenter 3 Affiliation

Berea College

Start Date

11-5-2019 3:30 PM

Session Location

Fetzer 1040


Recent years have seen the publications of translations (The Great Beginning of Cîteaux) and critical editions of Cistercian exempla (Collectaneum exemplorum ac visionum Clarevallense; Collectio Exemplorum Cisterciensis; Liber visionum et miraculorum Clarevallensium). It is then important and timely to explore the role of exempla more in depth and from different perspectives. This session will focus on how these short, exemplary stories were used, rewritten and retold inside and outside the order. Susan M. B. Steuer

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May 11th, 3:30 PM

Rewriting Cistercian Exempla between the End of the Twelfth and the Beginning of the Thirteenth Century

Fetzer 1040

Recent years have seen the publications of translations (The Great Beginning of Cîteaux) and critical editions of Cistercian exempla (Collectaneum exemplorum ac visionum Clarevallense; Collectio Exemplorum Cisterciensis; Liber visionum et miraculorum Clarevallensium). It is then important and timely to explore the role of exempla more in depth and from different perspectives. This session will focus on how these short, exemplary stories were used, rewritten and retold inside and outside the order. Susan M. B. Steuer