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The COVID Overview page was obtained from Michigan's main COVID-19 page: https:/,9753,7-406-98163-520743--,00.html. Data was compiled by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS). The information was updated daily at 3p.m., with COVID-19 results included as of 10 a.m.

Note on cumulative counts: This report is provisional and subject to change. As public health investigations of individual cases continue, there will be corrections to the status and details of referred cases that result in changes to this report.
Note on the deaths: Deaths must be reported by health care providers, medical examiners/coroners, and recorded by local health departments in order to be counted.
Note on jurisdictional classification: In order to provide more accurate data, the “Other” jurisdiction category will no longer be used. Michigan Department of Corrections cases will be listed under “MDOC”. Federal Correctional Institution cases will be listed under “FCI”.
Note on Case Fatality Rate: The case fatality rate is the number of people who have died from causes associated with COVID-19 out of the total number of people with confirmed COVID-19 infections. It is used as one measure of illness severity. Several factors can affect this number. Until recently, COVID-19 lab testing has prioritized for hospitalized individuals due to limited testing availability. As a result, COVID-19 infections were identified more often in people who were more severely ill. This would lead to a higher case fatality rate. As more people with mild illness are tested, it is likely the case fatality rate will go down.

The website contained the tables Confirmed COVID-19 Case by Jurisdiction, Age Data of Overall Deceased, Overall Case Fatality Rate, Cases by Sex, Cases by Age, Cases by Race, Cases by Hispanic/Latino Ethnicity, and Cases by Arab Ethnicity. It also contained a statistic on Cumulative Total of Recovered COVID-19 Cases.

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In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted.