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The Syndromic Surveillance System Data report was obtained from Michigan's COVID-19 dashboard, from under the link "​Coronavirus Symptoms": Data was compiled by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS). The information was updated twice a week on Mondays and Thursdays.

Syndromic Surveillance System data is obtained from approximately 216 facilities participating in syndromic surveillance (139 Emergency Departments (ED), 77 Urgent Cares) across the State of Michigan. The reporting is based on individuals who present at EDs and may not be representative of the overall population. The coronavirus-like symptoms query searches visit free-text (chief complaint, triage notes, and clinical impression) for fever or chills AND cough or shortness of breath or difficulty breathing.

The report contains four graphs. Under the Region subtab entitled Public Health Preparedness Region are the graphs Coronavirus-Like Illness (CLI) and COVID-19 Diagnosis. Under the Age subtab entitled Age Group are the graphs Coronavirus-Like Illness (CLI) and COVID-19 Diagnosis.

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