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The COVID Testing Turnaround Time page was obtained from Michigan's COVID-19 data page:,9753,7-406-98163_98173-545615--,00.html.
This report was created by the Michigan Department of Health & Human Services, providing data for the past 14 days on the average time it takes for a diagnostic COVID-19 laboratory test to be reported to the state health department. Testing turnaround time data will be updated weekly on Friday mornings.
MDHHS receives results from commercial labs, hospitals, and public health labs. However, public health laboratories perform limited diagnostic testing and disease surveillance for infectious diseases. Total turnaround time is calculated from the difference of the date of the collection of a sample for diagnostic testing (sample collection date) and the date that the laboratory results are received by the state of Michigan (message reporting date) for individuals living in Michigan. The total turnaround time value is calculated by subtracting the date and time of the specimen collection from the time of reported results and is provided in days. Transport time is calculated by subtracting the date and time of specimen collection from the date and time that the laboratory received the specimen for analysis and is also provided in days. One tenth of day is approximately equal to 2.5 hours.
Contains the tables Estimated Turnaround Times for COVID-19 Diagnostic Testing Results Received at MDHHS During Last 14 Calendar Days (Lab Type) and Estimated Turnaround Times for COVID-19 Diagnostic Testing Results Received at MDHHS During Last 14 Calendar Days (By Lab).
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WMU ScholarWorks Citation
Michigan Department of Health & Human Services, "2021-02-17_MichiganOverview_COVIDtestingtimes" (2021). Michigan COVID-19 Testing Turnaround Data. 16.